Chief Justice Mr. Justice Frank Clarke joined Minister for Justice & Equality Charles Flanagan at the official opening of Waterford Courthouse on 9th April 2018. Michael O’Boyle was the lead Grade 1 conservation architect for the refurbishment and conservation of the historic Waterford City Courthouse.. The project involved full re-roofing of the courthouse building and portico, stone repairs, the creation of a central entrance hall and the introduction of four fully-serviced courtrooms into the historic wings. The works were carried out in close consultation with the OPW (Office of Public Works). The newly refurbished courthouse contains some 6,000 sq m of accommodation, increased from 1,100 sq m. There are now six double height courtrooms, and ancillary accommodation for judges and staff, including extensive office facilities. There are consultation rooms for practitioners and clients and a suite to provide a quiet, private and secure area for victims, families and vulnerable witnesses.There are spacious public lobby and waiting areas and spaces for the media to work – both in court and in a dedicated media room. Facilities for persons in custody include a secure entrance for prisoners reducing the public access to them.